Friday, September 18, 2015

Still At It

I am still making my way through new patterns and techniques.  I want to make so many things but it definitely takes time. I also get distracted and make mistakes, some mistakes work, some don't.

I was going to hold out till An over at StraightGrain released the Tinny dress and buy the 3 pack but I just couldn't wait.  I had this fabric from Fabric Worm, by Alison Glass, that I knew I wanted to make the Hanami Top top out of so I got that and the Bubble Dress dress pattern.

I put the tulip sleeves on backwards but only I know that- well  now you do too.


I also did the side seams before I put the zipper in, I manage to get it in but I am pretty sure it would have been much easier if I had follow the directions (I was distracted - I have 3 kids, and a husband).

Untitled Untitled


Overall I am really happy with the finished product.  I am in love with the fabric.

I am also excited to have the Bubble dress pattern.  I just purchased a fabric called Voile from Hawthorne Threads  and can not wait to make this dress.  The fabric is sooooo soft!

I am happy to be able to participate again this week in the Sew + Show

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

It's Always a Learning Process

So in recent months I decided to go outside my comfort zone of somewhat square blankets and sewing a fabric skirt on the bottom of clearance T-Shirts to making actual clothes.  Now, I am only making kids clothes, since there are no curve or darts required.  None the less, it has been such a learning process.

I have a new pattern for the Jaanu Dress by StraightGrain.  I love that there are two options and you can print out just the size you want by selecting just the correct layer.
My latest attempt was a zipper and actual sleeves.  After I had actually sewed the first sleeve on and to looked like a real sleeve I ran to show my husband.  He was not quite sure what all my excitement was about and his response was, "don't you need two?"

I can say that I was really apprehensive about taking this on, wasn't sure if I was really up to the task.  I am glad I did it though, learned a lot and got a cute dress out if it.

I decided on using a navy twill for the body and a yellow polka dot cotton for the bodice and sleeves.
I had cut out the fabric and reviewed the instructions (over and over again).


Here it is before the zipper and sleeves.


And now the zipper. I was so giddy when I finished and it actually zipped up.


In the end it came out great, I am pretty proud of the results. The dress is a little big on her, but that will give her some more time to wear it. I also might make another with the body one size smaller, the bodice fit nice.


I also made the bias tape to put on the hem.  Confession: first time I attached it I cut it to short, ended up taking it all off and starting over.  So glad I did too, the finish looks so much better than what I had with the first attempt.


I wasn't sure about the yellow polka dots at first, but now I really like the look.

She is such a ham.


She seems pretty happy too.


I am going to join in the Sew + Show again this week.